20th Century Choreography

The 20th Century was marked by constant change. Ballet companies were established world-wide, and choreographic styles evolved to match the ethos of the times and, in some ways, the culture of the places where the work was created. Through video many of the masterworks of the 20th Century have been preserved and are still performed today.

Here is a list of some of the choreographers who had the greatest influence on the evolution of ballet, along with some of their signature works. It’s by no means a complete list, but it does give you an idea of the international reach of ballet during this time.

Michel Fokine (1880-1942, Diaghelev’s Ballets Russes, b. Russia)

Les Sylphides, The Dying Swan, Le Spectre de la Rose

Vaslav Nijinsky (1889-1950, Diaghelev’s Ballets Russes, b. Ukraine)

L’Apres Midi d’un Faune, The Rite of Spring (original version)

Bronislava Nijinska (1891-1972, Diaghelev’s Ballets Russes, b. Russia)

Les Noces

Leonid Massine (1896-1979, Diaghelev’s Ballets Russes, b. Russia)

Parade, La Boutique Fantasque, Le Tricorne, also choreography for the film The Red Shoes

Sir Frederick Ashton (1904-1988, Royal Ballet, b. Ecuador)

La Fille Mal Gardee (version for Royal Ballet), Les Patineurs, The Dream, Marguerite and Armand

Kurt Jooss (1901-79, b. Germany)

The Green Table (post-World War II anti-war ballet)

George Balanchine (1904-83, Diaghelev’s Ballets Russes founder, New York City Ballet, b. Russia)

The Prodigal Son (originally for Diaghelev’s Ballets Russes), see also Balanchine Ballets page

Jerome Robbins (1918-98, New York City Ballet, b. USA)

Fancy Free, The Cage, Other Dances, Glass Pieces (also the stage musical and movie West Side Story)

Sir Kenneth McMillan (1919-92, Royal Ballet, b. UK)

Romeo and Juliet (version for Royal Ballet and acquired by several other international companies), Manon

Sir Kenneth McMillan (1919-92, Royal Ballet, b. UK)

Romeo and Juliet (version for Royal Ballet and acquired by several other international companies), Manon

Roland Petit (1924-2011, b. France)

Carmen, Le jeune homme et la mort

Maurice Bejart (1927-2007, Ballet du XXeme Siecle/Bejart Ballet Lausanne, b. France)

The Rite of Spring (version for his own company), Bolero

John Cranko (1927-73, Stuttgart Ballet, b. Germany)

Romeo and Juliet (version for Stuttgart Ballet and acquired by several other international companies, including the National Ballet of Canada), Onegin

Jiri Kylian (Nederlands Dans Theatre, b. Czechia)

Forgotten Land (also acquired by Alberta Ballet in the xxxx-xx season)

William Forsythe (1949- , Ballet Frankfurt & The Forsythe Company, b. Germany, b. USA)

Love Songs; In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated

James Kudelka (1955- , National Ballet of Canada, Les Grands Ballets Candiens, b. Canada)

Washington Square, In Paradisium, The Four Seasons, Swan Lake (staging for the National Ballet of Canada), The Nutcracker (version for The National Ballet of Canada)

Mark Godden (1958- , Royal Winnipeg Ballet, b. United States)

The Magic Flute, Dracula, Angels in the Architecture

John Alleyne (1960- , National Ballet of Canada, Ballet BC, b. Barbados and immigrated to Canada)

Go Slow, Walter; The Faerie Queen, A Streetcar Named Desire]

Jean Grand-Maitre (1963- , Alberta Ballet Artistic Director, 2002 - 2022 b. Canada)

Dangerous Liaisons, Vigil of Angels, The Winter Room, The Fiddle and The Drum, , Fumbling Towards Ecstacy